PPG Minutes: 14th February 2023





Date: 14.02.2023
Time: 17:30
Venue: online via Microsoft teams

  • Introductions & Apologies
  • PPG comments & suggestions
  • Practice service improvements
  • AOB


Attendees: AH, VM , XE , Dr JG, Dr SM &(SD) 
Apologies: CM, HL & GK

Points discussed


PPG Members introduction  

AH discussed about an article in Guardian regarding GPs’ dissatisfaction - Dr SM mentioned this is partly due to an increase in demand and strain in the capacity. Secondary care settings have also been affected resulting a substantial increase in tasks delegated to primary care 

VM asked if Covid has impacted on the consultation model - Dr SM said the practice now offers a choice of appointments – ie telephone / F2F /online etc.  Patients can choose the mode of appointment they prefer. 

XE asks if practice could provide a user guide for NHS APP 

NHS app service is provided by NHS digital. SD to check if a user manual is available 
Aim to involve young patients in PPG to establish their views SD to try and encourage young patients to join PPG
VM highlighted a flaw with Health Share appointments. Patients are required to fill the forms again when Health share reschedules appointments SD to check with Health Share

AH asked about obtaining results of tests carried out by the hospital / A& E   - Dr JG informed her that results are received and followed up by the hospital doctor who arrange the test. GPs will only receive a summary 

We are aware that test results are made available online to patients by the hospital before patients are followed up by the requesting clinician and this can cause some concern

SD to raise with Hannah that it’s not helpful for patients to view online test results before these are followed up by the hospital 
VM asked if the practice provides double appointments for patients who have multiple issues to discuss - Dr JG confirmed that LGMC provides double apps with flexible timings to accommodate patient needs. Tel consultations are found by some patients to be very beneficial  

Dr JG discussed the MCMW team and their role in caring for the vulnerable over 65s’

Dr JG also mentioned that the practice patient list size is growing and LGMC is getting an influx of homeless registrations

AH asked if LGMC is impacted by the closure of Westbourne Grove surgery- SD said LGMC is not affected as it’s not the nearest practice to WG.

SD mentioned the new additions to the staffing structure including a new salaried GP, a Practice Nurse, 2 Pharmacists , a Social Prescriber & a Mental Health nurse  

Dr SM mentioned that SD’s role has been elevated to a Managing partner and the practice team is now stable for the near foreseeable future

Members agreed that practice level PPG meetings are more beneficial that the PCN wide ones.

Meeting ended

Partners thanked the members for participation and hoped that they would be able to continue to participate in the future


Next Meeting